Editorial Policy


The blog provides information, insight, comment, and analysis of the sport of padel.


The World Padel Insider editors define the blog’s focus, select the permanent bloggers and review guest posts.  Guest bloggers may be invited to become permanent bloggers after they have had at least four guest posts and can commit to the obligation of at least twenty posts per year.

Bloggers cannot “claim” or select topics. World Padel Insider will set up a posting schedule that includes the topic, headline and primary query.

We accept that people may have periods where they are extremely busy. If a blogger needs to take some time off, we need to be informed so that topics can be reallocated to other writers so that the publishing schedule is maintained.

However, if a permanent blogger does not deliver any posts in 4 months, they become guest bloggers again and will be re-invited as permanent bloggers under the procedure described above.

Benefits for bloggers

  • Learn the most effective formatting method of writing evergreen content for the internet.
  • Learn how to make your content searchable via voice applications.
  • Be part of a respected blogging community based on the high standards set by World Padel Insider and its editors.
  • As a permanent blogger, you will have a by-line with a photo and an author bio section that can be linked to your social media profile.

Editorial Guidelines

  1. Write about the topics that are allocated to you.
  2. Use the post title as supplied.
  3. All posts must follow the “post recipe” template that you were given and be in a friendly conversational tone.
  4. Guest posts should generally be 1,350 to 1,500 words.
  5. Permanent bloggers will be allocated topics that require longer (and better paying) posts.
  6. Avoid footnotes or endnotes and hyperlink outside references in the text body.
  7. Don’t be too formal. Blogging is a more informal medium than print and more “face-to-face”.
  8. Don’t repost. We are not interested in copies of content that you have already published elsewhere.
  9. DON’T plagiarise. All posts are run through multiple plagiarism checkers prior to publishing. Plagiarised posts will be neither published nor paid for.

Editorial Policy

It is a violation of our editorial policy to:

  • publish any material that is copyrighted, protected by trade secret or otherwise subject to third party proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights, unless you are the owner of such rights or have permission from the rightful owner;
  • publish falsehoods or misrepresentations that could damage the publisher or any third party; or
  • submit material that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, libelous, threatening, pornographic, harassing, hateful, racially or ethically offensive, otherwise disruptive to civil debate on the blog, or encourages conduct that would be considered as a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or violate any law.

Furthermore, the Publisher and Editor(s) of World Padel Insider may at their discretion remove submitted comments and/or other material from the blog if they have a reason to believe that the materials are in violation of the Editorial Policy.